Since more than 30 years the Plastics Technology division of Ossberger focusses on boots, bellows and gaiters which are in use in automobiles.
This market segment comprises components for the driveline, the steering system and the suspension of cars.
Being experts for CVJ boots and steering bellows from the process side Ossberger is now starting to offer a new machine model Pressblower SB2-260 which is destined for the production of
· steering bellows
· gaiters for suspension
The main focus of the new Pressblower SB2-260 will be gaiters for air springs – a comfort feature demanded by the consumers more and more.
From the production point of view the most challenging aspect is that such gaiters for air springs are made of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) which demands some specific approach.
During the K 2022 Ossberger will run the TPU grade Irogran A92 E4860 of Huntsman Chemical and produce a gaiter of appr. 150 grs.